Rye Lane Conservation Areas designated

Rye Lane Conservation Areas designated

At 10.21 p.m. on 10 October the two central Peckham conservation areas were designated by the Southwark Planning Committee. I arrived at Tooley Street* for the meeting at 7.30 p.m. and sat in the back of the committee room, working, as the hours dragged on. At 10.15...
Old Waiting Room at Peckham Rye Station restored

Old Waiting Room at Peckham Rye Station restored

The two architects on the Peckham Society’s committee, Bill Morris and Benny O’Looney, are playing a major part in trying to bring the former First Class waiting room in Peckham Rye Station back into public use. It has been a billiard hall. It may become a...
Rye Lane Conservation Areas designated

Peckham Space opens

Peckham Space in Peckham Square opened in June. It is a new venue that produces new artwork in response to and with people who live in SE15. Peckham Space was created by a collaborative partnership between Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London and...
Rye Lane Conservation Areas designated

New Nature Garden opens

Bellenden Road Nature Garden, run by the Centre for Wildlife Gardening in Marsden Road, was officially opened on 1 August by Councillor Mark Glover, who is one of our members. It is a peaceful haven promoting wildlife gardening in an urban setting.
Rye Lane Conservation Areas designated

Old picture sent for identification

Our editor was consulted by staff in Southwark Local History Library about a picture that had been sent for identification. He was excited when he realised that it was an 1834 painting of the High Street in Peckham. On the left it shows a small part of Hanover Chapel...